1.6 - 525 MHz Cross Needle SWR / Wattmeter - 200 Watts - SO-239 Connectors

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MFJ-894 Description     Hide

This new MFJ Giant SWR / Watt meter series have large 3 5/8" Cross-Needle SWR / Watt-meters that have a three-color scale for improved readability.

These wattmeters simultaneously display forward/reflected power and SWR all at a glance! They each have individual meter scales for each power range that increase reading accuracy.

LED backlighting provides smooth and even illumination for easy night viewing.

Low bias Schottky diode detectors increase linearity from low power to high power readings.

A true directional coupler for increased accuracy gives solid readings over the entire frequency range, HF to UHF. DC grounded antenna connectors prevent electrostatic build up.

SWR less than 1.2:1. Meter accuracy is +/- 10% of full scale or better. Has lighted meter on/off switch.

These wattmeters are extra sturdy with large rubber feet and a rugged metal and a designer-styled plastic injection molded front panel. Handsome black speckled finish and gray molded front panel aesthetically complements today’s modern transceivers. Quality SO-239 connectors.

7 ¼"W x 4 ½"H x 4 ½"D.

Select from the following frequency range models:

MFJ-891 Covers 1.6 to 60 MHz. Handles 2 kW in three ranges: 20/200/2000 Watts. Precision measurement of PEP and Average power.

MFJ-892 Covers 1.6 to 200 MHz. Handles 200 Watts in three ranges: 2 / 20 / 200 Watts.

MFJ-893 Covers 125 - 525 MHz. Handles 200 Watts in three ranges: 2 / 20 / 200 Watts.

MFJ-894 Two input sensors. Covers 1.6 - 60 MHz and 125 - 525 MHz. Incorporate two RF sensors for HF or VHF/ UHF operation. Handles 200 Watts in three ranges: 2 / 20 / 200 Watts.

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