HF Travel Tuner - 3.5 - 30 MHz Antenna Tuner - 150 Watts - SO-239 Connectors - 4:1 Balun Built In

HRO Discount Price: $154.95*


*After Coupons & Promotions.

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MFJ-902H Description     Hide

MFJ brings you the world's smallest full power 150 Watt 80-10 Meter Antenna Tuner -- with Balun!. Extra wide matching range lets you tune nearly any antenna. It's no toy -- it's got guts! Built with real air variable capacitors (600 Volt, 322 pF) and three stacked powder iron toroids to handle real power -- not just QRP. Bypass switch lets you bypass tuner when you don't need it. You can use nearly any transceiver at full power with nearly any coax fed or random wire antenna for portable, home, or mobile operation.
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