50 MHz Antenna Tuner with SWR / Wattmeter - 200 Watts PEP - SO-239 Connectors

HRO Discount Price: $144.95*


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MFJ-906 Description     Hide

The MFJ-906 6 Meter antenna tuner for the Magic Band gives you low SWR with practically any coax-fed antenna: mobile whips, dipoles, verticals, vees, random wires, or beams. With low SWR, your rig will be more efficient; you'll get more power out of your 6 meter transceiver and into your antenna for more DX, it will run cooler and last longer, and your expensive transceiver will be protected from overheating due to high SWR. A lighted Cross-Needle SWR/Wattmeter shows SWR, forward and reflected power simultaneously in 300/60 forward and 30/6 reflected Watt ranges and has an ON/OFF lamp switch. With a built-in bypass switch, you can bypass your tuner and connect your transceiver directly to your antenna.
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MFJ-906 Accessories and Related Items


12 Volt Up to 2 Amps Wall Power Adapter - 2.1mm Plug
