Elite 3.5 LCD ZUMspot
Please click the following link to access the user guide: https://zumradio.com/downloads.html
Please click the following link to access the Pi-Star SD Card Image: https://zumradio.com/downloads.html#sdcard
The Elite 3.5 LCD ZUMspot is a small and efficient Multi-Mode Digital Hotspot
Key Features:
- High performance 32-bit ARM processor
- Fully assembled and tested in exclusive custom injection molded case
- Includes a Raspberry Pi 4
- Supports DMR, P-25, D-Star, YSF, NXDN, POCSAG and M17
- Onboard LEDs to show status (Tx, Rx, Status and Mode)
- Up to 10mW RF transmit power
- SMA antenna connector, UHF antenna included
- Includes pre-programmed and pre-configured SD card with Pi-Star
- The open source firmware (MMDVM) is pre-loaded
- Built-in 3.5" LCD screen
- Includes 3A USB-C power supply
- 1 year warranty
Manufacturer’s Website: https://zumradio.com/downloads.html