The MFJ-9982 ContinuousCarrier(tm) antenna tuner handles 2500 Watts continuous carrier output on all modes and all HF bands into most unbalanced antennas -- even on 160 Meters where even the best antenna tuners fail!
The MFJ-9982 gives you every feature youll ever want in a high power tuner -- wide matching range, 1.8 to 30 MHz coverage, 6-position antenna switch, 4-core balun, dummy load, true peak/average lighted SWR/Wattmeter, 6:1 reduction drives with detailed logging scales, 3-digit turns counter, extra large knobs.
The MFJ-1312D power supply or MFJ-5513 cable is required for 12VDC that is needed for metering circuitry
Shipping weight 20lbs